This adventure begins on Tuesday, 26/12 of the Current Year.
This is the first session of a 1-on-1 mini-campaign within the larger Exarchate of Alsudhvi campaign, and features the adventure of the Blade-Daughter Miza, a Level 5 Bladedancer played by Sophia. This adventure also features Miza's two henchmen: her sister Tavala (Level 3 Bladedancer) and her friend and the party's guide, Rama (Level 2 Explorer).
When last we left our heroes...
Our adventure begins in the City of Aesta-Suvash. In addition to being the ducal seat and the main hub of trade in the region, it is also home to one of the four remaining temples to Myimsta, the old Saftash god of war. Although the cult of the Eight has died out pretty much everywhere but a few rural villages, the cult of Myimsta has held on thanks primarily due to his priestesses, the Blade-Daughters of Myimsta, an order of warrior-monastic women who become his daughters and who are wedded to the sword. The Blade-Daughters have held on long after the death of their old religion thanks in large part to their usefulness, as their status as outsiders to the newer Ramosian hierarchy means that they make trustworthy guards for dukes, princes, nobles, and even emperors. But times are not what they used to be. With the situation here in the borderlands rapidly deteriorating since the last Beastman War, gone are the days when the Blade-Daughters of Aesta-Suvash guarded the chambers of the emperors. Now, they are considered trustworthy--but affordable--caravan guards, and their great temple has largely fallen into disrepair.
But the high priestess of the temple, the Blade Mistress Ashpisha, has plans to restore her order's fallen glory -- and they involve Miza, a twenty-three year old Blade-Daughter who, along with her sister Tavala, was "married to the sword" at a young age (and for a proper bride-price) by a poor family who had too many daughters to go around. Miza is very orthodox in her outlook, well-behaved, and skilled with song and blade. Her sister, on the other hand, has an unusual interest in the healing arts -- and in men -- for one married to the blade.
The adventure began in mid-morning, when Miza was practicing her sword forms in the temple's overgrown courtyard. She was approached by Blade Mistress Ashpisha, in the company of a younger acolyte, the Blade Sister Hetelvar. The Blade Mistress invited Miza to join her and Hetelvar in her quarters, where they had important and secret business which they must discuss. There, Miza was treated to wine and rich bread -- both unusual luxuries for an austere ascetic such as herself -- and then the Blade Mistress began to tell her tale.
She spoke of how the fortunes of the Blade-Daughters had fallen over the course of the last couple of centuries, until they were reduced to mere mercenary work in order to survive. All of this, though, could be remedied. Sister Hetelvar, she explained, had recently been assigned to escort a caravan headed east from Aesta-Suvash to Ina-Vlamun, when they were attacked by a company of orcs on the road. The orcs were driven off or slain, but not before their leader tried to bargain for his wretched life with a piece of information.
"It seems," said Sister Hetelvar, picking up the narrative, her eyes burning with fury, "that the wretch saw my headdress" -- here she motioned to the headdress which all of the Blade-Daughters wore -- "and recognized it, because he had seen one like it before. He described one to me, far grander and more valuable, and said he would tell me its location if I would let him live."
"The headdress he described," said the Blade Mistress, "can only be that of the Mistress of All Blades, Thlagra the Red-handed." Thlagra the Red-handed was the greatest hero of the order, and had died in battle with the Winter Queen in the waning days of the Alsudhvian Empire. All Blade-Daughters know her name, for her image adorns many of their temples and living quarters. "Either he is lying, in which case he has more information than any man now living, or he has really seen it."
As Sister Hetelvar went on to describe, the orc had seen the headdress in a barrow somewhere east of the old ruined fortress of Bel-Bawet. More than that he would not say, except that it had been guarded by "terrible monsters" -- which was most likely why he had not taken it himself. Sister Hetelvar had of course, freed him, by freeing his head from his body.
"What you may not know," said the Blade Mistress, "is that there was indeed a great battle near Bel-Bawet during the War of the Winter Queen. The body of Thlagra the Red-handed was never recovered, but what if it is she who is buried in this barrow? Thlagra had six magical items, relics of great power. If we were to recover even one of them, it would bring prosperity to our order. If we were to recover all six, the glory of the Blade Daughters would be restored forever."
[The six relics of Thlagra are her Headdress, her Necklace, her Armbands, her Earrings, and her two blades, the Two Fangs of the Viper. Of these, it is said that the Necklace was the most powerful.]
Miza was asked, along with her sister, to go in search of the barrow, face whatever monsters guarded it, and return with any relics they might find. She was also authorized to hire Rama the Outrider -- a scout and guide with whom Miza had worked before -- to act as their guide in the wilderness. The Blade Mistress considers Rama "not a bad sort, for one who uses so cowardly a weapon" -- the Blade-Daughters do not use bows, or any other ranged weapons.
Miza went to find her sister, who she found "reading" a hand-illustrated, prurient novel which someone had left in the infirmary. Actually, since Tavala is illiterate, she was mostly just looking at the pictures. Miza scolded her, filled her in on their new mission, and then headed off to find Rama while Tavala prepared her healing supplies. Miza headed down the street to the Tooth and Hound, where she found Rama (coarse, low-born, and -- when she's in town -- a party animal) still sleeping off the previous night's revelry. Waking her and paying her bar tab was a bit of work, but with the party together, they finally set off down the road.
They were scarcely six miles away from Aesta-Suvash, still in cultivated wheat fields and in sight of the city's villages and suburbs, when -- as Rama entertained and embarrassed Tavala with ribald tales and jokes -- they were startled by a sudden snarl. Six huge panthers, grey as shadows, emerged from the wheat fields on either side of them, taking the trio by surprise...